I have always been active. Being a lifelong athlete, I played ice hockey, lacrosse, and ran cross country growing up. Since then I have competed in dozens of road and off road /cross country races with distances including 1M, 5K, 10K, Half Marathons, and the NYC Marathon in 2014. When it comes to multi-sport races, I have competed in aquathalons, biathlons, and triathlons.
Once I discovered CrossFit, I was immediately hooked. I quickly realized the benefits of strength training coupled with endurance training. They are absolutely symbiotic. I quickly became a student of the sport of fitness and attending numerous specialty certification courses. I use all of the techniques I have learned to make people as well rounded as possible, and as result as fit as possible.
In addition to fitness I am a music junkie, I hold doors for women, say please and thank you, and is a snappy dresser; moms love me.
• CrossFit Level 2 Trainer
• CrossFit Endurance Trainer
• CrossFit Gymnastics Trainer
• CrossFit KettleBell Trainer
• CrossFit Mobility Trainer
• CrossFit Strongman Trainer
• CrossFit Weightlifting Trainer